Best 10 and 8 Fish
Limit - 2 Day Event
April 2015
Clear Lake, BnT Open. Kevin Marcheshi broke the
club record for a 2 day, 10 or 8 fish limit of 54.70 pounds. Beating
the old record of 44.89 held by Chris
Club Record 10 - Fish limit Kevin Marcheshi
5 - 10 Bass Weight - 2 Day Events
1. Kevin
Marcheshi - 54.70 - BnT
Open - 10 Fish
2. Chris Lapoint - 44.89 - Clear
Lake 2011 - 8 Fish
3. Rich Caro - 44.45 - Clear
Lake 2007 - 10 Fish
4. Dave
Sternitzke - 42.87 - Clear Lake 2007 - 10
5. Bill
Sweatt - 40.12 - Clear Lake 2007 - 10 Fish
Club Records