of Champions
Nov 18,19 2017
Phi Dominates TOC with 10 Pound fish and Win!
Phi claims 2017 SCBBBC Tournament of Champions at Clear Lake! After
leading day 1 Binh made sure this would be the year! Day 2 Binh had
a dream day with two giant bass, a 10.13 and a 8.21. With a 2 day total
of 32.27 pounds this years TOC was all his! congratulation Binh, 2nd
place went to Jason Cullen who put together another good TOC with a
limit of 22.38. 3rd place was Matt Nyiri with a 2 day limit of 19.98
pounds. 4th place goes to Andy Mecado with a limit of 18.39. And in
5th place was Mike Ayers with a limit of 18.06 pounds. Congratulations
to all the TOC qualifiers this year!