Clear Lake TOC
November 23,24 2002
Winners Circle
Place Angler Day 1
Big Fish Day 1
# of Fish Day 1
Weight Day 2
Big Fish Day 2
# of Fish Day 2
#of Fish Total
Weight 1 Iwamoto 6.82 5 16.02 4.78 5 11.37 10 27.39 2 Caro 5.99 4 16.25 6.30 2 10.08 6 26.33 3 Marcheschi 4.92 5 13.87 5 12.10 10 25.97 4 Parsons 5 10.79 5 8.58 10 19.37 5 Keith 5 8.94 5.41 3 8.29 8 17.23 6 Sweatt 4 7.26 6.54 3 9.82 7 17.08 7 Perez 4.33 5 10.78 5 10.78 8 McTaggart 1 1.62 5 7.39 6 8.81 9 Andress 4.28 4 8.50 4 8.50 10 Kozenko 3 4.71 1 2.09 4 6.80
Todd Iwamoto wins his 1st TOC with a 27.39 lb total after Sunday's 11.37 lb limit, anchored by a hawg of 4.78lbs
Rich Caro takes 2nd by bringing in two for 10.08 lbs, including a 6.30 lb dawg, for a 26.33 lb total
Kevin Marcheschi weighs-in Sunday's heavy sack with a 12.10 lb limit & grabs 3rd with a 25.97 lb total
Andy Parsons brings in an 8.58 lb limit to take 4th with 19.37 lbs for the 2 days
Eric Keith weighs-in 3, one of them a 5.41 lb toad, to finish 5th with 17.23 lbs.
Bill Sweatt rallies with Day 2's big fish of 6.54 lbs & weighs-in 3 for 9.82 lbs, taking 6th with a 17.08 lb total
Jamie McTaggart rallies with a 7.39 lb limit to up his 2-day total to 8.81 lbs & 8th place
Deren Kozenko weighs-in a nice 2.09 lb bass to make his total 6.80 lbs
The TOC finalists as the final gun sounds at the end of the 2002 season.
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